Monday, January 4, 2010

The end of a decade

I was fortunate enough to be home for longer than originally scheduled at the end of the year. I actually managed to catch up with quite a few people too! I flew into town on the 28th, enjoyed a nice lunch with Dad, then napped for a bit until Mom made it home from work. We enjoyed our Christmas time that evening with my opening my gifts and us enjoying a great dinner. Mom prepared turkey, ham, potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, etc... It was a feast (especially for just the 3 of us)! And I can't forget to mention the great big pitcher of sweet tea, my favorite!

Katelyn came over Tuesday night and stayed over into Wednesday afternoon. She and I had a lot of fun just sitting around talking and being lazy. That evening, she came back over, along with Taylor, and we had a mini-Kelly Party. I can't speak for the girls, but I really enjoyed it! We watched movies, ate snacks, talked, made picture frames, and giggled until the wee hours of the morning. I sure hope they don't outgrow me...

For New Year's Eve, Mom, Dad, and I went to East Texas. Dad volunteered to babysit Joshua and Atalie while Josh and London went out, and Mom and I visited with Elaine. Those kiddos are so cute! Atalie is walking, and this was my first chance to witness this milestone in her little life. Joshua talks nonstop, and now truly knows me and will actually play with me even with his Grandmom in the room~ both of which are huge changes in behavior from last year! Elaine picked us up after dinner and we headed to the movies. We saw "It's Complicated" and laughed so much! Definitely one of the better movies I caught in 2009. Once the movie was over, we headed out to TGI Friday's for dessert and coffee then went to Elaine's for a little "girl time" before taking Mom back. Elaine and I rang in the new year by chatting and giggling the night away then got to sleep in the next day! Pure bliss.TJ and Kristina came over New Year's Day and ate the traditional black-eyed peas, watched football, then even watched a movie! The next couple of days were spent doing laundry and getting ready for my next work trip. Even that was nice because it was "normal". Did I mention I had a good week at home?

Hope your new year is off to a great start too!

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